,RENUNGAN KORWIL (IPMADO) MAKASSAR puisi rindu kampung halaman KABUPATEN DOGIYAI adalah curahan yang ada ekago badouda anak manusia yang meninggalkan kampung halaman untuk sebuah asa dan cita cita,saat terpisah jarak di perantauan,baru disadari bahwa banyak sudah nilai nilai luhur yang di ajarkan dari sederhanya sebuah kampong DOGIYAI, kenangan yang akan selalu membekas jelas selama hayat masih dikandung badan.... puisi rindu kampung halaman Ekagokunu semoga bisa mengembalikan kenangan kenangan indah masa kecil dimana tempat kita lahir,tempat kita belajar berjalan,belajar mengenal dunia,dimanapun saat ini kita berada,selalu berpeganglah pada nilai nilai luhur yang telah kita dapat dari kampung halaman kita,, DOGIYAI,, puisi rindu kampung halamanDOGIYAI KAMU MAPIA mengingatkan sebuah tempat sederhana berjuta makna,yaa..adalah rumah kita,tempat berlindung dari hujan dan terik matahari,tempat dimana kita diajarkan segala hal oleh dua orang manusia yang paling dimuliakan anak anaknya...adalah kita Ingin kesana Denting nada kesunyian kembali menilikku Dalam sepi kumerintih dingin sepi tanpa rasa Terpaku meringkuk di sudut ruang gelap Disorot sisa cahaya dari lubang kecil lampu temaram Rambut liar tak terurus entah menandakan apa Lusuh baju tak kupedulikan Serampangan pikiranku menebar gelisah tanpa arah Hanya jam dinding yang tau kapan ini akan berujung Aku ingin diasingkan dari keberingasan dunia ini Bersila tenang di bawah deras air terjun sisi gunung Menyusuri persimpangan riak sungai tenang dan deras Memanjat dahan pohon bergantung ranting terkuat Menyantap persembahan tulus dari bumi Ahhh……mungkin kelak aku harus kesana… Sementara ini kurapikhkan dulu remahan kisah ku disini Setelah semua tertata pada tempat semestinya Beranjak tanpa menunda barang semenit Kembali ke asal tempa ku lahir,dan berahir DOGIYAI DOU ENA
Thursday 19 May 2016


DOSEN:TENRI The film tells a life journey of a small child in achieving the ideals and dreams. The child's age is the age of elementary school children. Approximately nine to twelve years. He lived in a tribal society Boneo. Precisely in the area of Papua, Irian Jaya. Child's name is Denias. He was classified as a child from a poor family. Nonetheless, he has ideals and dreams high, ie school. Regional nonexistent school institution formally and worthy means of teaching and learning. During that time, he and the village children who else is attending Honei. Namely building a house which was then used as a place to learn emergency condition is very alarming. Denias was a smart boy, nimble, devoted to parents, as well as high berobsesi. At school and in the play, he has a friend who is always cheated and do no good to him. He is Noel. Once, when at school, they had a fight. This was caused by Noel were being fraudulent and deceitful when playing. As children of the poor, Denias dare to fight anyone for the sake of the truth, no matter with whom he was dealing. That he notabene demonstrate to Noel who is the son of a tribal chief high moral standing and is believed to have supernatural powers in his village. In Start Denias and his friends in the Honei taught by a teacher who came from Java. He looks intelligent than her other friends. He was diligent in school. Denias their schooling was not long enough. Because the teacher Istru ill in Java, he finally returned to Java. Honei rose now deserted. Denias as lonely hearts. Nothing is going to school again. Denias confused. Where else he would go to school. He then met a soldier named Mr. Leo RI. It calls made by Denias the soldier. Actually, his name is not Mr. Leo. The truth is Maleo. That is a name for a special forces military corps that was assigned in the islands of Irian Jaya. The force was made up of quite a lot of people. But that was assigned in the area Denias only one person only. Denis then poured out his heart felt upset because they can not go to school anymore. Hearing the complaint, Mr. Leo was her heart was touched. He then decided to teach Denias and friends in Honei it. Denias was a devoted son to his parents. This was done everyday. Once when his mother fell because less health condition improves. Looking at it, Denias immediately alert him and help him. He was screaming hysterically. His meetings looked very profound as he is pleased to care for her mother. With sincere and honest she cared for him. Moments later his mother was asleep. When it Denias suddenly summoned by some friends. Name which must have made a mistake and negligence. Moreover, a child's age Denias. Denias called and invited his plan to hunt in the woods. He was forced to join his friends. He was confused. He is in a dilemma between caring for her mother at the insistence of his friends. Seeing her mother, who was sleeping soundly, solidarity emerged. He was then willing to hunt in the woods with his friends. But really unlucky, he forgot that before going hunting, he hung his clothes on the hearth near her mother, who was sleeping soundly. The clothes then fell into the fireplace. Small fire that had now become great by the shirt. his mother was not aware of it because it was sleeping. The flames were getting bigger and so is her mother's house burned. Denias viewed from a distance there was the burning house. He made sure that the direction of the house is home. He then ran out of the woods to go home. At home, he was struck by the physical condition of the mother. His mother died because the fire burned. His body was burning. Tears could not hold. He suffered severe ass for a few days. He could only spirited, though his father often advised and motivated him. Mr. Leo was also advised and given new life to the spirit of Denias. Finally he was able to enjoy his days with cheerful again. And go to school again. Denias re-learn together with their friends. He was excited. But his spirit was not supported by his parents. He often forbidden to attend school. He was told to help his father in the home. In such circumstances, the spirit is not extinguished. He attended furtively from his father. Not long after, honei it collapsed and was destroyed by an earthquake. Denias and her friends have nowhere to school again. Mr. Leo then took the initiative to build a school that is very simple. The important thing can be a place of learning and teaching. Development where it has received insults from some residents and chiefs. It was banned from standing there. Not long from that incident, Mr. Leo was transferred from the village enias. Denias now back in mourning because they can not learn and go to school again. In such circumstances, Denias obsessed by the words of Mr. Leo that behind the mountain there is a school. Precisely in the city. She felt compelled Denias. He then decided himself for leaving his hometown and also their parents. He went furtively. He passed through the mountains and valleys to get to town. He sprinted to quickly get to the city. It's far taken place Denias, but it did not dampen her enthusiasm for school fire. Arriving in the city, got a friend named Enos. He is a bum. For a time, Denias stay with Enos in pingguran road. He then went to school in question. There he met with Mrs. Sam. A beautiful woman and virtuous. Mrs. Sam Denias goal came to the school. after lengthy explained, Mrs. Sam knows maksid and objectives Denias to that place. which is not to go to school. Mrs. Sam in a dilemma. Under the rules of the existing school, Denias not be able to sign in at the school. It is caused Denias not have enough money for school fees. Moreover, Denias not have a book report cards. Mrs. Sam tried hard to be able to enter Denias to the school. He is spreading it all teachers and school administrators. And for a while, Denias stay at home Mom Sam. But not for long. He then lived in the school hostel. Bu Denias Sam promised that he would be able to enter the school. During their stay in the school environment, Denias met a girl who name Angel. He was good-natured. He is best friends with Denias. Noel heart it causes pain. And that's when Denias know that Noel is also a school in that place. Denias got the terms of Mrs. Sam, that if he wanted to be accepted to school in the area, he should not be naughty and throw tantrums. Although he was treated less well than his friends, he must be able to hold his temper. He had to succumb if they want to receive. When this is the hard struggle Denias tested. At school and at hotel, he still remains the same as in the village. He still got the treatment is not good and deceitful of Noel. Now he must be patient and do not respond to any treatment Noel. He was even beaten severely by Noel and his friends without any apparent reason. For the sake of unacceptable school in the area, he was willing to be beaten and did not reply. He did not dare open it with Noel and his friends. For the sake of dreams and ideals, he must . When in the dorm, Noel also be the same. He was even more cruel. He makes his own rules to not allow his friends to give the bed to the Denias. The beds were reserved Denias he should take over. While the bed is left empty. Denias in every night always sleep on the bare floor of any. With such conditions, Denias became sick. But it was not long before she recovered. At the school Denias still not accepted as a student. He was there functioned as a canteen waitress. Serving all of the students who were eating and eat snacks there. Once, during breaks and meals, Denias deliver entree to these students. Denias in carrying out its duties back are treated less well than Noel. Denias dropped by Noel, Denias ignored, but Noel instead took her fight. Denias wants hit by Noel, but this time he was a little defensively. The dishes are still in the grip of his hand, he made a tool to deflect the blow Noel. Noel hand was broken and bleeding because it hit the plate. Denias feel guilty. In his heart, hint of guilt so great. He thought that the counsel had violated Mrs. Sam. And he certainly would not be acceptable to school in that place. He then sprinted out. I wonder where he went. It was far he ran. Mrs. Sam to look here and there, but it does not go find it. Denias when it plans to return to his hometown. He was desperate. He felt that the dreams and ideals to school have now been dashed by the wrong he had done, namely by injuring Noel. Denias was the son of a virtuous good. He does not forget the people who helped him. In the heartache and desperation, he still took time to say goodbye to Mrs. Sam. He take leave to return to his hometown. At that moment, Denias got good news from Mrs. Sam, that he was accepted to school in that place. Denias flowery hearts. Dreams and ideals are now achieved as well. He was thought better to return to his hometown. He went to school and began to carve his future. Denias dancing on clouds

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